We had bought some face paint for a kid party activity. Surprisingly the kids didn't really get into it. A few of the kids got a heart or a flower on their face but most chose a temporary tattoo. However, even more surprisingly, my mother's friends somehow found the paints and
I was glad so many of you were able to come, and came bearing gifts. Though I had thought I had said no gifts necessary, more than one person said they neither heard nor saw such thing on my invites. Perhaps a subconscious thing. I love presents. And even though I really didn't know how much we could bring to your gifts were perfect. O received quite a few travel toys and books which I know made the plane ride for my mom and O a breeze. They had one thing after another to keep that girl busy. We are still using the water color books and princess sticker books on a daily basis here at the time share. We've been practicing our Spanish with the bilingual and vocab books and just really enjoying all the books in general at bed and nap time. Though I have to be admit something and I wanted this to wait until another post in which I tell our Baja travel stories, but this seems as good of time as any to admit to one of my many idiotic moments. Mine as well just get this one out of the way.
I had been reading in all of the Baja travel books that one should bring extra gas for the long
drive down Mexico HWY 1 in which gas stations may be few and far between. So I packed a little two gallon can that I had found in my garage and brought it along. When we neared the border in Yuma I decided to find the gas can and fill it. I was so proud of myself for remembering it, and feeling pretty awesome that we were about to embark upon something that could very possibly involve us needing spare gas. That is cool. I was going to be prepared. The only thing was, upon closer inspection I realized that the little tank needed two covers, one for the spout and one for the air hole so the gas might flow faster. I was missing the cover to the air hole. Ummm.... I went into the gas station to find a solution. There it was right next to the really big gas tanks, which by the way did not seem to have air holes nor the need for a cap for one. To me the air hole was beginning to seem like more of a pain than a necessity. But as I looked further in the gas can section of the gas station, I found my solution. Electrical tape. Duct tape is used to fix just about any problem under the sun. I can't imagine electrical tape being any different. The only reason we use duct tape more often is because it's that pretty silvery color. I bought the boring black electrical tape, filled the gas can wrapped up the air hole good and tight ( even made sure the tape was sticking to the inside part of the grooves) and put it in the car top carrier so we wouldn't have to live with the smell of gas, (just because I had over filled the can a little and the outside was soaked, not because I didn't have faith in the tape in the hottest muggiest weather I'd ever seen). I nestled the can right between my tent, camping chairs and O' toy and book bag. Perfect. We might just need that and if we do I, ME, will have thought to be prepared. I got back in the car, Katie was on the phone with her mom, I told her we had spare gas if we needed it. Focused on the border, we were off. Well a few days into our voyage we find a place for our first camp. I open the car top carrier to get our amping gear that I was so excited to use for our first beach camp, only to be SHOCKED at what I found. The electrical tape had come off and soaked everything in two gallons of gasoline. Did anyone see this coming? All of my camping gear was soaked ( I will tell you how we dealt with this later) and most of O's books. So when we finally arrived to the time share I aired out all of her books and even used a match test on the stinkiest of them ( had a gallon of water right by me just in case, I learned that lesson, which I'll tell you about later). Anyway the books past the test. At least none of them ignited, but some were so stinky we could not keep them around. We kept most of them and even though some still have a hint of gas we enjoy them just the same. Ha. Good one huh. My mom thought I should be too embarrassed to share but you all know me so just shake your heads and move on. You gotta take the good with the bad.
We had many adventures and stories on our journey but this post's focus is on the party and express our gratitude to you all for coming, the other stories will come. I really did want to use
i'm glad i found this!!!
i miss you two...only 4 weeks until Baby Geier's due!!! I'll be sure to send photos...but you can also check my blog...
Love you.
Yay for Anni blog updates!!! I miss you guys so much already. Ohmygod Anni, Peacock told me the whole gas tank story the other night and I laughed so hard I fell down, couldn't breathe, cried, and now have sore abs. Can't wait to read your telling of it!
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